Ever since the first "God of War" premiered on the PlayStation 2 in 2005, the franchise has essentially stuck to its hack-and-slash, platforming roots and told the story of the world's angriest Spartan warrior, Kratos. The eighth entry in the series (fourth if you don't count the handheld spinoffs) completely upended almost everything audiences loved about the series. The result was nothing short of spectacular.
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The first "Street Fighter 2" games appeared in arcades and other public spaces where arcade cabinets were frequent. Later, it received home console ports, which grew its popularity even further. "Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo," an installment that built off of "Street Fighter 2" and incorporated new characters and mechanics, later became the first titles featured in the what would become the Evolution Championship Series (a.k.a. EVO). It's now known as one of the most popular fighting game franchises in the world. It also inspired countless fighting games after it, including "Mortal Kombat," "Virtua Fighter," and others involving colorful and powerful characters participating in an international fighting tournament. 2ff7e9595c