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The New School Guide to Northern California Whitewater: A Whitewater Guidebook for All Skill Levels


Textual Records: Registers of letters received by the Medical andEducational Division, 1874-81, and by the Education Division,1906-8; with indexes, 1895-1907. Summaries of work completed andrecords relating to Mission schools, 1887-1901. Circulars, 1897-1909. Office files of W. Carson Ryan, Director of Education,1931-35; and Mary Stewart, Assistant Director of Education, 1929-36. Reference books concerning schools, 1882-1909. Briefs ofinvestigations, 1899-1911. Abstracts of letters relating toepidemics, 1901-8. Statistics relating to education, 1859-69;Indian schools, 1874-1909; and schools, 1890-1908. Statisticsfrom monthly and semimonthly school reports, 1893-96, 1904-10.Attendance books for Choctaw and Chickasaw neighborhood schoolsin Indian Territory, 1900-1, 1906-7. Attendance statistics forCherokee day schools in Indian Territory, 1906. Record ofschools, 1895. Abstracts of official reports concerning schoolplants, 1898-1905. Records relating to Indian schools and adult education programs, 1889-1972 (bulk 1935-72). Record of school contracts, 1887-1911. Annualschool census reports, 1912-39. Subject files, 1910-69. Annual, semiannual, quarterly,and monthly school reports, 1874-1939. Public school quarterlyand monthly attendance reports, 1913-37. Reports concerningexaminations and promotions, 1924-34. Samples of examinationpapers, 1888, 1899, 1915. School calendars, 1930-34. Educationalsurvey forms, 1929-32. Reports of school social workers, 1932-36.Case records concerning the traveling mental health clinic, 1935. Records relating to summer education programs, 1951-69.

The New School Guide to Northern California Whitewater books pdf file

Textual Records (in Denver): Check registers, 1917-36.Individual Indian money (IIM) posting records, 1887-1947. IIM ledgers, 1952-54. Records of births, deaths, and marriages, 1911-59. Allotment records with plats, 1912. Per capita payment records, 1939-68. Records relating to tribal matters, including health, education, and natural resources, 1948-69. Irrigation reports, 1936-45. Tribalmembership rolls submitted to the Gallup Area Office and UnitedPueblos Agency, 1910-60. Law and order reports submitted bytribal police departments, 1987-88. Law enforcement reports,1958-65, 1984-89. Tribal attorney contracts, 1981-89. Tribal resolutions maintained by the Gallup Area Office, United Pueblos Agency, and Albuquerque Area Office, 1946-89.Indian probate files maintained by the title plant, 1977-84. Landleases, 1935-64. Indian rights-of-way records maintained by thetitle plant, with accompanying maps, 1965-84. Range survey sheetsand timber scale books, 1935-50. Financial assistance grantrecords, 1957-80. Soil and range inventories, with accompanyingmaps, 1959-66. Soil and range inventory maps of the Zuni Indian Reservation, 1970. Tribal leases, 1939-66. Land lease case files, 1939-68. Canceled oil and gas lease files, 1956-62. Records relating to tribal affairs, 1935-68. Tribal budgets, 1970-89. Tribal budget files maintained for tribes under jurisdiction of the United Pueblos Agency, 1967-70. Credit operation report files relating to tribal businesses and land improvement programs, 1913-69. Indian business development case files, 1962-67. Indian self-determination contract and grant files, 1976-88. Publicationsmaster file of the development plan "Toward Zuni," withinterfiled photographs, 1976. Annual school census and attendance summary reports, 1917-32. Record of returned students, 1914-15. School scrapbooks, 1937-44. School census cards for Paguate Day School, 1944-64. Student applications and casefiles, 1950-58. Miscellaneous correspondence and reports relatingto the Pueblos and Jicarilla, Northern, Southern, United Pueblos,and Zuni Agencies; and Fifth Irrigation District, 1868-1934. Survey of social conditions on the Tesuque Pueblo, 1927. Branch of Welfare statistical and narrative reports, 1954-65. Records relating to tribal health and welfare programs, 1955-66.Credit operations reports, 1938-60. Program mission files, 1958-67. Road construction project files, 1937-64. Employmentassistance case files, 1958-63.

Textual Records (in Anchorage): General subject correspondence,1933-63. Mission correspondence, ca. 1935-47, 1956-68. Employmentassistance program administrative records, 1957-71, and casefiles, 1957-69. Public works files, 1952-63. Educationcorrespondence, 1912-77, and program decimal files, 1936-68.Adult education files, 1956-60. BIA school newspapers, 1958-70.Individual student educational grant, loan, and scholarship casefiles, ca. 1951-61. Estate heirship case files, 1948-64.Individual Indian money (IIM) case files, 1946-76. Social studiesadministrative decimal files, 1935-68, and missioncorrespondence, 1964-69. Welfare case files, ca. 1931-63.Microfilm copy of records of the Br sted project relating topolitical development of Native communities in the Arctic sloperegion of Alaska, 1933-71 (5 rolls). Budget and accountingrecords, 1916-74, including IIM ledger sheets, 1942-74, andcollection vouchers, 1961-74. Native store records, 1939-64,including individual Indian account (IIA) general ledger control,1949-51; IIA paid invoices, 1941-49; and Native store reports,1962-64. Real property reports, 1955-68. Tlingit-Haida tribalenrollments, including birth, marriage, and death records,1890's-1976 (bulk 1890's-1972). Village census rolls, 1913, 1934-66. Goodnews Bay Day School student folders, 1951-62, and schoolregisters, 1958-70, 1973-77. Records of Mount Edgecumbe BoardingSchool, 1941-83, including yearbooks, school census index cards,individual student case files, directives, correspondence, andreports. Records of Wrangell Institute, consisting of studentfolders, ca. 1932-75. General and allotment ledgers of the AlaskaDivision of the Juneau, AK, office of the Bureau of Education,1928-29. Records of the Seattle, WA, office of the Bureau ofEducation, Alaska Division, including an appropriation ledger,1917-24, and cashbook and ledgers of the Hydaburg, AK, TradingCo., 1915-25. Employment assistance case files of the Ketchikanoffice, 1959-70, and the Kotzebue office, 1968-73.

Textual Records (in San Francisco): Coded subject records, 1900-56. Range management reports, 1953-66. Area missioncorrespondence, 1950-70. Coded program records of the LandOperations Office, 1933-57, and the Area Forester, 1932-52. AreaForester's grazing leasing records, 1943-61. Case files on landtransactions, 1909-56. Land allotment records, 1949-65. Recordsrelating to Agua Caliente Band allotments, 1948-51. Irrigationproject case files, 1909-58. Irrigation and water rights files,1968-69. Irrigation engineering data files, 1942-66. Records ofroad projects, 1933-59, and irrigation projects, 1955-67. Projectworkbooks of the Roads Office, 1936-42. Per capita incomerecords, 1950-53. Annual reports of credit activities, 1947-56.Reimbursable transactions reports, 1950-56. Case files onrelocation, training, and employment assistance, 1936-72. Tribalroll cards, 1933, 1955. Health and welfare records, 1943-52.Records relating to enrollment in Indian boarding schools, 1951-53. Individual Indian money (IIM) account ledgers, 1946-71. IIMaccounts special deposit control sheets, 1946-62. ShermanInstitute student IIM accounts, 1951-52. Miscellaneous financialrecords, 1953-68. California judgment roll, 1928. Californiajudgment enrollment application case files, 1937-72. Tribalbudget records, 1950-68. Tribal group files, 1909-72. Specialdeposit ledgers, 1946-70. Records of relations with organizationsinterested in Indians, 1940-64. Records of the Realty Office,including coded program records, 1933-57; leasing and businesscontracts, 1948-60; and farming and grazing lease records, 1945-61.

Textual Records (in Denver): Letters sent, 1875-1915. Lettersreceived, 1873-1909, with registers, 1893-95. Index of officialletters, n.d. Superintendent's subject files, 1908-29. Recordsrelating to agency finances, consisting of account books, 1874-86; record book, 1874-80; quarterly cash accounts, 1875-1905;"Statements of Public Funds," 1875-1905; record of receipts anddisbursements ("Cash Book"), 1875-1909; statements of disbursingaccounts, 1876-1905; abstracts and vouchers of disbursements,1876-1905; estimates of funds needed, 1876-1901; andmiscellaneous financial records, 1876-1898. Individual Indianmoney (IIM) ledgers, 1947-63; IIM posting records, 1954-66; IIMledger sheets, 1947-63; and IIM case files, 1954-66. Recordsrelating to medical services, including monthly medical reports("Sanitary Reports"), 1875-1902; invoices and receipts formedical supplies, 1875-91; reports of medical supplies, 1876-1909; and estimates of medical supplies needed, 1877-99. Recordsrelating to schools, 1876-1914. Records relating to land andagriculture, including reports of the agency farmer, 1878-1900;"Cattle Claims," 1896-1907; notices of land and water claims,1897-1912; grazing permits, 1904-5; record of Indian cattle sold,ca. 1906-14; brand books, ca. 1916; land allotment lists, n.d.; appraisal reports for land allotments, 1955-85; and "Blackfeet Industrial Survey," 1921. Records relating toemployees, 1875-1910. Records relating to issues to Indians,including accounts of goods received and issued, 1874-76;"Property Returns" abstracts and vouchers, 1875-1901; annuityestimates, 1877-99; weekly supply reports, 1877-95; record ofissues of supplies, ca. 1882-87; ration rolls, 1902-14; andrecord of issues of farm equipment and livestock, n.d.Miscellaneous records, including journal of Indian police, 1890-95; "Liquor Cases," 1910-12; and diary of Superintendent C.L.Ellis, 1915-17. Records relating to supplies, 1873-1904. Vitalrecords, including list of Indian lodges, ca. 1877-78; censusrecords, 1895-1908; marriage records, 1894-1915; "Registers ofIndians by Families," 1901-4; records of births and deaths, 1902-17; and family histories, 1908. Numerical correspondence, 1909-23.Decimal correspondence, 1913-57. General subject files, 1915-55.Orders, circulars, and other issuances, 1924-33. Records relatingto employment, 1875-1927. Employment assistance case files, 1966-76. Financial records, consisting of individual Indian money (IIM) and individual Indian account (IIA)official receipts, 1917-52; IIM and IIA journal vouchers, 1920-47; IIM and IIA check copies, 1934-53; financial correspondenceand related records, 1944-53; IIA ledger sheets, 1954; IIMledgers and cards, 1913-59; IIM posting and control records,1937-60; records relating to trust responsibilities, includingIIM ledger cards, 1930-57; index to IIM ledger, 1930; allottingagents' correspondence, 1906-14; allotted land sales petitions,1920-21; land sale and lease cards, 1927-36; tribal range, land,and oil committee minutes, 1950-55; Reclamation Service circularletters and general orders, 1914-31; IIM case files, 1943-51;monthly irrigation reports, 1923-50; crop reports, 1920-59;miscellaneous irrigation project records, 1913-53; and forestryand grazing correspondence, 1932-55. Records of the BlackfeetTribal Fund land acquisition project, 1939. Annual creditreports, 1948-49. Minutes of Credit Committee meetings, 1940-55.Minutes of Cattle Board meetings, 1938-53. Cattle programrepayment records, 1936-56. Records of livestock associations,1941-47. Individual cattle repayment records, 1934-41. Easementsand rights of way, 1933-55. Emergency Conservation Work payrolls,1935-37. Census rolls and related records, 1891-1947.Supplementary census rolls, 1923-42. Census record cards, 1925-51. Records relating to extension program activities, 1931-55.Records of Indian relief and rehabilitation program, 1936-46.Drought relief cattle program records, 1934-36. Annual farmsurvey sheets, 1946-53. Tribal election records, 1958. Health andwelfare records, including health program subject files, 1932-47;health program cards, 1933-46; welfare program decimalcorrespondence, 1935-49; social service alphabetical subjectfiles, 1941-46; welfare applications, 1947-49; householdcomposition cards, 1948; and welfare case files, 1919-52.Education program correspondence, 1940-48. 2ff7e9595c

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