Now you can see your designs as real t-shirts with amazing Photoshop mockups. These t-shirt templates make your artwork the center of the design using editable smart objects that are easy to navigate.
Template Kemeja Psd
Your tees will definitely be worn by the coolest folks around. So make your graphics stand out with this urban-themed t-shirt mockup. A photo-based mockup, this template features 13 different city scenes to choose from. Also included are multiple model choices.
Wrap your t-shirt up like a gift! This stylish template features a cool box edition for anyone who wants to take their graphics to the next level. Enjoy one photo-realistic presentation template for fast editing. Just insert your logo or art to see it in action!
Your kids want to get in on the fun too! That's why this kids t-shirt mockup comes in handy. Volume seven of this mockup series features 11 organized templates of a young boy and girl in several poses. Download this package of cuteness for all your kids' t-shirt projects!
Style your tees even more with simple borders around the neck and arms. This epic mockup template includes five high-quality mockups in one Photoshop file. Change the t-shirt colors, background, or position to make the most out of this download. Give it a go!
Another great quality that Placeit mockups have is that a number of the templates on offer allow you to customize the color of the background. This flat lay of a t-shirt mockup allows you to change the background to fit seamlessly into whatever context you need to use the mockup in. To jazz up your design, you can add cut-out shapes in a contrasting color.
Sleek and stylish, all this t-shirt really needs is the right graphic! Insert your favorite piece with this phenomenal t-shirt template. Try out different backgrounds for a wild effect! You'll get access to high-resolution files and fully editable layers in this download. It's a great starter kit!
How will your tee look in everyday life? See it in action with this back t-shirt mockup. A free photo template of a guy wearing a t-shirt and glasses, this mockup is great for representing your brand logo or favorite website. Use it on your blog or profile banner.
Eat, sleep, design, and repeat. You'll be doing the same once you take advantage of this epic v-neck t-shirt mockup. A Photoshop template with three realistic tees, this mockup features front and back shots to get the full design. Customize it fast using the fully editable smart objects.
The front view of your t-shirt matters the most. So make sure the design counts with this versatile template. Featuring a photo-realistic template with editable layers, this mockup helps you get amazing wrinkles and high-quality details. Try it out!
How cute is this baby mockup? If baby apparel is up your alley, then you'll definitely love this baby t-shirt template. Easily display your best graphics, quotes, or funny messages to family and friends. Just change the colors and text to match your style.
See how your graphics would look in various colors! This mockup template features two shirts displayed professionally as they overlap one another. You can use it as the front image to your online store or for personal experimentation. Definitely add this one to your arsenal!
Get creative with how you display a t-shirt. This boxed mockup template makes it easy for you to preview different ways of presenting your apparel. Included in this download is one completely layered file with three editable smart objects. Switch out the background to any wood or floor tile.
Want an urban setting for your hanging shirt? Try out this classic t-shirt mockup. A template designed just for beginners, this mockup is fun and easy to use. Included in this download is one high-resolution file made with an efficient smart object layer. Check it out!
Let's just ride off to our next destination with this awesome mockup! A great way to display your favorite typography, logos, or graphics, this template is clean and professional. You'll need at least Photoshop CS4 to use it, so make sure you've upgraded to the latest versions!
Some designs look so much better on a long sleeved tee. So this phenomenal template includes two photo-realistic mockups for all your t-shirt needs. Great for businesses, designers, or corporate events, this template should definitely go in your collection!
Splatter paint onto a shirt. Or add a beautiful galaxy effect. Experimentation is the key to an outstanding t-shirt design. Now you can test out your favorite effects with this pocket t-shirt mockup. A Photoshop template with fully organized layers, this mockup is very versatile!
One of the best parts of living in a city is getting access to great photo moments. But no matter your surroundings, you can achieve that cool, urban look with this white t-shirt mockup. A photo-based template of a man standing against graffiti, this mockup is stylish and different.
Keep it simple and sweet. Download this versatile shirt mockup to see your tee on a striking gradient background. This template features a clean, modern vibe with clear image elements you can quickly adjust. Use it for almost any apparel project!
They say blue is one of the most favored colors on the internet. But which blue is your favorite? Try out different shades with this professional t-shirt mockup. Featuring a round neck design suitable for men's apparel, this template is smart and quick to edit.
Mockups with different styles of clothing are quite hard to find. Now you can try something a little more fresh with this sweater mockup template. Featuring a photo-realistic scene of a model standing against a wall, this template is fun and unique. Give it a shot!
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Kemeja adalah produk pakaian yang biasanya terbuat dari bahan seperti katun, kain oxford, chambray, denim dan flanel. Kemeja atau sering juga disebut dengan blouse (blus) memiliki desain yang beragam namun pada umumnya terbagi menjadi dua jenis, yaitu : kemeja lengan panjang dan kemeja lengan pendek.
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Use Photoshop to make all the customizations: Get Photoshop as part of a Creative Cloud single-app plan for just US$19.99/mo. Free Shadows Texture Template in PSD + PNG, JPG can be good for implementing a lot of designers ideas as well. Enjoy these templates from Free-PSD-Templates and follow us on Facebook!
Free-PSD-Templates is a kind of blog with big amount of exclusive Freebies including graphics, mockups, icons, website and app templates, and many more. Very useful collections of PSDs are waiting for you!
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