Physics, one of the basic sciences, has its origin in the irrepressible human curiosity to explore and understand the natural world. This fundamental urge to discover has led to the detailed understanding of a remarkable variety of physical phenomena. Our knowledge now encompasses the large-scale movement of galaxies, the minute motions within atoms and nuclei, and the complex structure of the assemblies of molecules that make life possible. The spectacular expansion of our comprehension of the physical world forms an impressive part of the intellectual and cultural heritage of our times. The opportunity to add to this heritage is an important source of motivation for young physicists. The application of discoveries in physics to the solution of complex modern technological problems offers a vast field in which physicists make decisive contributions. The interplay of pure and applied physics has always been fruitful and today ensures many rewarding career opportunities for physics students. The deep understanding of the physical world developed by physics majors prepares them for successin a wide variety of careers well beyond physics, from medicine to all the sciences and engineering.
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Students pursuing a B.S. in Physics must take at least one course from the Physics Breadth Elective list to gain experience in a subfield of physics. Some tracks have this course prescribed, while others allow free choice from this list. All of these courses may also be taken as Qualifying Physics Electives, but they may not fulfill both requirements simultaneously. Certain courses are offered only in alternate years, as indicated. 2ff7e9595c